2024 World University Impact Rankings: NPUST Among Top 100 on Five Indicators

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The UK’s Times Higher Education (THE) has released the University Impact Rankings for 2024 based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), which has seen strong performances for four consecutive years, made a considerable stride forward in the 2024 evaluation, with an overall worldwide ranking of 101-200. Compared with other Taiwan universities, NPUST ranked 5th overall and 1st among the country’s 51 universities of science and technology. On five of the individual indicators, NPUST also found itself among the top 100 universities worldwide—and on one of these, Poverty Eradication (SDG1), it came first in the country, which is a new milestone and cause for celebration on its centennial anniversary this year.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said that in recent years, NPUST has been promoting the implementation of USR activities in line with the United Nations SDGs and the Taiwan government’s “2050 net zero” goals. It has also been integrating the spirit of sustainable development into its education, research & development, operations, and social services across all of its seven colleges. The university is focused on cultivating agricultural professionals and promoting smart agricultural, circular economies, eco-friendly agriculture, environmental resource protection, and other activities which benefit rural areas and disadvantaged groups. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers and students, on the 2024 World University Impact Ranking, NPUST has managed to jump 100 places from the year before.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said that in recent years, NPUST has been promoting the implementation of USR activities in line with the United Nations SDGs and the Taiwan government’s “2050 net zero” goals. It has also been integrating the spirit of sustainable development into its education, research & development, operations, and social services across all of its seven colleges. The university is focused on cultivating agricultural professionals and promoting smart agricultural, circular economies, eco-friendly agriculture, environmental resource protection, and other activities which benefit rural areas and disadvantaged groups. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers and students, on the 2024 World University Impact Ranking, NPUST has managed to jump 100 places from the year before.